Markdown: from simple text to rich documentation

Markdown (MD) has established itself as a go-to choice for creating readable and versatile text documents. Its lightweight syntax and plain-text nature make it perfect for various uses, from writing blog posts to crafting technical documentation. This article delves into the world of MD, equipping you with its fundamentals and […]

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The YAML format

yaml format

The YAML format (YML) is a language made especially for data, mainly used for configuration files. It has caught on in recent years together with languages such as XML or JSON. One of its major peculiarities is the possibility of writing the format by indenting the nesting of the various […]

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Javascript custom array sorting functions

One of the most useful features that many languages offer is the possibility of sorting arrays and lists of elements in the most disparate ways. Let’s create our array sorting functions.Unlike more typed languages, in the case of Javascript arrays can have profoundly different types of elements, including primitives and […]

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JPA @Enumerated annotation in Spring Boot

In the world of Spring Boot applications, data modeling plays a crucial role and JPA @Enumerated is here for that. JPA provides an elegant way to map Java classes to database tables, while the @Enumerated annotation empowers you to seamlessly represent enumerations as database columns. This article delves into the […]

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